Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Holi" by Nikita Shalabh

I am very excited to be publishing this article by Nikita Shalabh.

“Holi” also called the festival of colors, is a popular Hindu festival that is celebrated in spring. It is observed in North India and Nepal but not in South India. In West Bengal, it is known as “Dolyatra (Doljatra)”.

My dad was born in North India and my mom was born in South India. My dad’s family celebrates Holi in a big way. They make lots of sweets like “Gunjia”. Holi takes place over a period of two days. On the first day, bonfires are lit at night to show burning of the demoness “Holika”. On the second day, also know as “Dhulendi”, people spend the whole day throwing colored powder and balloons filled with colored water at each other. The colored powder has a medical significance: the colors are made of Neem, Kumkum, Haldi, Bilva, and other medical herbs that have medicinal benefits.

A special drink called “thandai” is made, most of the time containing “bhang”. People invite friends and relatives for potlucks and group celebrations later in the evening.

According to the Hindu calendar, Holi can be on any day but it will always be around late February or early March. This year, in 2008, it occurred on March 22nd.

Nowadays, people fill water guns with colored water and shoot the water at other people.


Shalabh said...

wonderful work!!
keep writing more and more!

Anonymous said...

Good Job Kiki!!! Very Interesting article.

Manu said...

Great job Kiki. Very informative article :). How did you celebrate holi this year?

LasyaDanceSchool said...

Very good job, my dear.Precise and sweet like you. Keep it up. All the bests!!!