Cool Programs in the Fall
In addition to the story times for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, we have some cool programs planned for elementary school students too. For those of you interested in the real goings-on at the library, we have a program on the first Saturday of September, October and November at 8:30 A.M. Yes, the staff members are at the library before the library officially opens and get everything ready. Now, you can participate in the behind-the-scenes action and see how the materials are sorted, how the books you request through Inter-library loan are processed, and learn where everything is in the Children's room. If you've always been curious about how a library works, this is the program for you. To be part of this elite Library Buds group, please call the Children's room and sign up.
October is Archaeology month and we have a meeting on Monday nights at 6 P.M. You will get to explore mummies from different cultures during different periods of history. You will also create your own mummy! Call the Children's room to sign up.
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